Everyone always says that we love our children unconditionally. BUT is love alone sufficient ? Well unconditional love is one thing but unconditional acceptance is equally important. We should learn to accept our children for who they are. Whatever we say or do, it deposits into our child's memory bank. And those memories have a powerful impact on our child's life, their choices, their experiences and their decisions.
Acceptance is a wonderful gift that we can give to the children. If we accept ourselves as we are, it will be easier to accept our children the same way. We need to learn a little about child development and their behaviour accordingly. It will then become easier for us to understand our child and then accept it as it is. We all know and understand that every child has a unique personality, but we tend to forget it time and again. As a consequence we overburden our child with our dreams and expectations. We should know how to keep ourselves in check for our childs’ mistakes. It is time that we take our responsibility in the shape that our child moulds in, and accept them along with stopping criticism for all of their shortcomings.
Our acceptance will increase our child's confidence and self esteem.